Lampshade Writers Circle - 2.0

Writing is an act of solitude, but writers need not be alone.  

Lampshade aims to foster a nurturing collegium of writers, authors, and poets, who meet and read their work out aloud to fellow writers. We hope this will create an atmosphere of positive criticism and informed critique that will support the growth of writers. 

Write like no is watching you - Anonymous

There are some basic rules to be followed:

0. Ensure your written work is under 5-7 minutes of reading (Poetry and Prose are welcome)

1. Be kind. 

2. Don’t be pompous or cutting in your language. Elevate rather than tear down a budding artist. 

3. No self-promotion without prior permission or notice.

4. Keep your review within three minutes. 

5. Be unbiased, or at least declare your biases beforehand. 

6. Write regularly.

How do we take part in this?

a. Fill this form: Lampshade Writers Application Form

b.  We confirm a spot only after thorough evaluation, hence, please fill the form diligently. 

And then.. you wait.. 

Patience is the key to good writing - Anonymous

c. We will send you the details, 
two weeks prior to the Writers Circle Meet

d. At the meeting (WC 2. 2021 will be announced soon), we savour your work and provide feedback with discretion.

See you, around! 
