श्रद्धांजली by कवीता संग्रस कन्हेरीकर (Marathi poem with translation)
The poem in Marathi written by Kavita Sangras Kanhekar is on Sindhutai Sapkal, an Indian social worker and social activist known particularly for her work in raising orphaned children in India. She was awarded the Padma Shri in 2021 in Social Work category.
In the poet's words, "It depicts how she was the motherly shelter for the orphans and her heavenly abode feels like the skies have burst open over the needy. As a commoner, I can't stop wondering how you achieved so much. In a life where even the blood relations are thinning, you started a revolution of social service, you started the trend of love in a world that is running behind money. This poem I dedicate to you, your passing away has brought a tsunami of tears from the people."

अनाथांची माऊली सिंधुताई सकपाळ ह्याना श्रद्धांजली
विषय-: अन मी माणसात देव पाहीला
शीर्षक-: श्रद्धांजली
अनाथांची माऊली ,मुलाची सावली
पोरकि बाळ धरून पोटी ,दिलीस माया
क्षणात एकट सोडुन निघुन गेलीस
फुटल आभाळ , संपली छाया
नतमस्तक तुझ्या कार्याला
नाही होणे तुझ्यासम कोणी
मी माणसात देव पाहीला
पाहीला माणुसकीचा शिरोमणी.
माई नाही , देवच जणु उतरला
तुझ्या सेवेला अंतर न करणार
रूपात तुझ्या गजानन दिसला
महाराष्ट्र तुझा ॠणीच राहणार
ज्या जगी सख्याना न विचारी
तु समाज सेवेची ज्योत लावलीस
पैशा मागे धावणारी रहदारी सारी
तु आगळी वेगळी कास धरलीस
तुझ कवन मी लेखन रूपात लिहुन
तुला भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली वाहते
अश्रूंचे पाट, जनसमुदाय लोटून
जणु दिव्याची ज्योत शांत तेवते
[कवीता संग्रस कन्हेरीकर]
Subject: And I saw a divine human
Title: Shradhanjali
Mother to the orphaned, a shadow for kids
You cared for poor souls by embracing them
Suddenly, you left us all alone
The sky broke, the shelter vanished
I bow down to your achievements
No one will be like you
I saw a divinity in you
saw pinnacle of humanity
Not just angel, the God himself descended
In you, and you loved everyone the same
You remind us of Gajanan Maharaj
And the whole Maharashtra is in your debt
Even in the places where love didn't blossom
You kindled the torch of social work
Everyone rush behind more money
But you picked a different direction
I will sing your praise through my writing
And may God bless your soul
Everyone is in tears, a tide
Keeping the fire calm
[translated by Sharad C]
In the poet's words, "It depicts how she was the motherly shelter for the orphans and her heavenly abode feels like the skies have burst open over the needy. As a commoner, I can't stop wondering how you achieved so much. In a life where even the blood relations are thinning, you started a revolution of social service, you started the trend of love in a world that is running behind money. This poem I dedicate to you, your passing away has brought a tsunami of tears from the people."

अनाथांची माऊली सिंधुताई सकपाळ ह्याना श्रद्धांजली
विषय-: अन मी माणसात देव पाहीला
शीर्षक-: श्रद्धांजली
अनाथांची माऊली ,मुलाची सावली
पोरकि बाळ धरून पोटी ,दिलीस माया
क्षणात एकट सोडुन निघुन गेलीस
फुटल आभाळ , संपली छाया
नतमस्तक तुझ्या कार्याला
नाही होणे तुझ्यासम कोणी
मी माणसात देव पाहीला
पाहीला माणुसकीचा शिरोमणी.
माई नाही , देवच जणु उतरला
तुझ्या सेवेला अंतर न करणार
रूपात तुझ्या गजानन दिसला
महाराष्ट्र तुझा ॠणीच राहणार
ज्या जगी सख्याना न विचारी
तु समाज सेवेची ज्योत लावलीस
पैशा मागे धावणारी रहदारी सारी
तु आगळी वेगळी कास धरलीस
तुझ कवन मी लेखन रूपात लिहुन
तुला भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली वाहते
अश्रूंचे पाट, जनसमुदाय लोटून
जणु दिव्याची ज्योत शांत तेवते
[कवीता संग्रस कन्हेरीकर]
Subject: And I saw a divine human
Title: Shradhanjali
Mother to the orphaned, a shadow for kids
You cared for poor souls by embracing them
Suddenly, you left us all alone
The sky broke, the shelter vanished
I bow down to your achievements
No one will be like you
I saw a divinity in you
saw pinnacle of humanity
Not just angel, the God himself descended
In you, and you loved everyone the same
You remind us of Gajanan Maharaj
And the whole Maharashtra is in your debt
Even in the places where love didn't blossom
You kindled the torch of social work
Everyone rush behind more money
But you picked a different direction
I will sing your praise through my writing
And may God bless your soul
Everyone is in tears, a tide
Keeping the fire calm
[translated by Sharad C]
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