Music/Sound theme poems (June)


To Those without Mouths

By Ananya Sarkar

I put my hands over my ears
Your silence is so deafening
Pregnant with pain
Awakening me
To all the senseless noise they make
To deepen your silence once again.


By Gargi S

Music and movement
Connect deep within me
Allow me to express
What lies hidden
Under layers and layers of masks.

As I listen
To the outer Music
Of the birds, the bees
The rustling wind
I awaken to my inner music
Of breath and heartbeat
Of life and living.

Listening moves me
Urges me to move
My head, my hands, my toes
Slowly my whole body
I feel my entire self moving
To my inner rhythm
Feeling the feelings
I had long forgot.

As I find my own movement
Give in to the rhythms
Outer and inner
The boundaries merge
I feel connected
I heal my inner wounds
And slowly, gently in my own time
I arrive into Wholeness.


Hindi Poem:

 प्रकृति संगीतकार

श्रेय रॉडरिक्स


नदियाँ बहती नहीं हैं रुकती

कल-कल करते झरने बहते,

रुत मन मौजीरुख़ बदलती 

हू हू करतीसन सन करती!

खेतों में तबलों की ताल

नाच उठे फसलों के बाल। 

ग्रीष्म काल में तवा-सा तन

छन मन छन मन छन छनन छन!

प्रचंड उष्णशुष्क हवा चली

सन्न सन्न बहती लू की लहरी,

लुक्कड़ धुक्कड़ आँधी अंधड़ 

पश्चिम से आई धड़ाधड़।

 रंग बसंतहर्षित मन प्राण

मन्द सप्तक नवोत्कर्ष गान,

पृथ्वी आँचल का झिलमिल स्वर

किसलयतरुवर का नया प्रहर,

पपीहा बोले पीयू पीयू

कोयलिया आतुर कुहू कुहू!

नव जीवन का संगीत बहा

ऋतुराज ने सुर में कहा,

लघु लहरों का कल-कल राग

उद्दंड सिंधु गर्जन,हुंकार। 

जल प्रपात का आकुल तन मन

यकायक गिरा छपाक छपाक!

शीत ऋतु हिमगिरि से चलकर

लाती सुखद सरगम की लहरी,

सर्द हवा ऊर्जा सूरज की 

मालकौंस रागिनी प्रकृति की,


आरोह-अवरोह,सुर और ताल। 

ऋतु वर्षा के सुर गीत अनेक,

मादक मेघों का गर्जन विषेश,

कड़कती बिजली चाबुक सी जब

होश में आते मोती बन झर,

जलतरंग सी बूँदें बजतीं 

धरती के उर पर थिरकतीं,

पट पट पट पट पटाक पट पट!


Symphony Orchestra

By Shrey Rodricks

Rivers flow in ripples and waves, then leap and fall. The
breeze, a vagabond, whistling, whispering in
eolian tones fills up all spaces. Crops standing in fields dance to
drumming beats, dum da ma dumdum! High-pitched notes of
summer, travel quick. Heat waves vibrate riding the air, with a
sharp flair. The dry leaves crackle in tandem too,
hoooo-hooo, sings the loo! Season of spring with seven notes,
several octaves float on nature, symphony of burgeons surrounds,
greenery humming all around. Papiha’s raga piyupiyu! Koel’s melodies
kuhukuhu! Shoots, buds, branches adorned with leaves, 
music fills and life abounds. 
King of seasons, Rains, the orchestrator, commands the revelry floor,
soft songs of ripples, hollers of the sea waves and splashes on beaches, 
acoustic instrument, 
the drumming palm leaves perform persuasive percussions, 
dabadaba dub, dadamdadumdum, cshikcshikcshik!
Chill cold from northern peaks and shivering notes serenade with glistening sleek.
Nature wears the sun-tiara and tunes of Malkaus is everywhere,
sa-ga-ma-dha, sa-ni-ni-ma-dha!

PC: Unsplash
